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Useful Publications

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“Perspectives on Blended Learning Models and Recommendations on Instructional Applications”

Abiodun Ibiloye, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru Main Campus, Zaria, Nigeria

28 November 2021

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“Rome Ministerial Communiqué”

19 November 2020

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“Preliminary results of the first cycle of Cyprus’ National Graduate Tracking Survey”

Executive Summary pwc MOEC CY-Graduates
September 2023

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“Present and future of gender equality policies in higher education: contributions to human and sustainable development”


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Eurydice Voice's Autumn edition

The Eurydice Team

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A Literature Review on Immersive Virtual Reality in Education: State Of The Art and Perspectives

Laura Freina, Michela Ott

Institute for Educational Technology,
CNR, Genova, Italy

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Informatics education at school in Europe
Analytical report

Eurydice report

European Education and Culture Executive Agency, 2022.

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Gamification elements and their impacts on teaching and learning – A Review

Mohd Hishamuddin Abdul Rahman, Ismail @ Ismail Yusuf Panessai,
Noor Anida Zaria Mohd Noor and Nor Syazwani Mat Salleh

Department of Computing, Faculty of Art, Computing & Creative Industry,
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia

The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.10, No.6, December 2018

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European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Mapping and analysis of student-centred learning and teaching practices: usable knowledge to support more inclusive, high-quality higher education
Analytical report

European Union, 2020

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Eurydice Report 

Promoting gender equality in Cypriot universities: Challenges and Opportunities

February 2022

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Eurydice Report 

Towards equity and inclusion
in higher education in Europe

European Education and Culture Executive Agency

March 2022
View Framework - One Page 

European Project MICROBOL 

Micro-Credentials linked to the
Bologna Key Commitments

Common Framework for   
Micro-credentials in the EHEA

March 2022
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European Project MICROBOL

Micro-Credentials linked to the
Bologna Key Commitments

Common Framework for   
Micro-credentials in the EHEA

March 2022
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Eurydice Voice 

2nd interview: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?

Authors: Nicole Vasileiou, David Crosier

27 January 2022
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Eurydice Voice 

1st interview: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?

Authors: Nicole Vasileiou, David Crosier

27 January 2022

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Eurydice Article

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?

By Nikol Vasileiou, David Crosier

January 2022

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EUA Newsletter

European Commission presents higher education package: coherent narrative, new momentum

By European University Accosiation

January 2022
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Tackling R&I Foreign Interference

Staff Working Document
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

By European Commission

January 2022
enqa2020View Publication

Four Keys to Success When Using Blended Learning Models in the Classroom and in a Remote Environment

By Liz Brooke, Lexia Learning

December 2021
enqa2020View Publication

The Asynchronous Cookbook
The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in online course design to provide recipes – concise and specific instructions and examples – for adding asynchronous activities to a course.

By Digital Learning & Inquiry, Middlebury College

November 2021
enqa2020View Publication

The case for (more) diversity in peer review
Exploring the history, importance and benefits of being inclusive

By Katie Eve, Bahar Mehmani, PhD and Kate Wilson

September 2021
enqa2020View Publication

Adult education and training in Europe Building inclusive pathways to skills and qualifications

Eurydice Report

September 2021
enqa2020View Publication

W36 global Summit for Gender-Related UNESCO Chairs & Networks - Declaration

By Dr. Mary Koutselini

August 2021
enqa2020View Publication

State-by-state look at colleges requiring COVID-19 vaccines

By Chris Burt

August 2021
enqa2020View Publication

What Colleges Require the COVID-19 Vaccine?

By Staff Writers

August 2021
enqa2020View Publication

Mixed picture on mandatory vaccines

By Pola Lem

 August 2021
enqa2020View Publication

Considerations for quality assurance of          E-Learning provision  (ENQA)

By Esther Huertas, Ivan Biscan, Charlotte Ejsing, Lindsey kerber, Liza Kozlowska, Sandra Marcos Ortega, Liia LaurI, Monika Risse, Kerstin Schörg, Georg Seppmann
enqa2020View Publication
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education AISBL, Brussels (ENQA)

CHEAView Publications

Advancing quality in European higher education celebrating 20 years of ENQA

By Maria Kelo, Anna Gover and Anthony Jasper

December 2020
View Conversations
Conversations With CHEA: A Video Series

The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) announce a series of three videos titled "Conversations With CHEA." which address a range of issues related to CHEA's formation, development and growth and future.

October 2020
View Publications

Quality Assurance and Internationalization, Higher Education

By Hans de Wit, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA

August 2020

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Exploring higher education indicators
Eurydice Voice

By Tia Loukkola, Helene Peterbauer, Anna Gover

May 2020

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Μπορεί ο κορωνοιός να βοηθήσει τα σχολεία μας;
May 2020

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Covid-19 και διαδικτυακή διδασκαλία
May 2020

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Εισδοχή φοιτητών στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση
May 2020

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We're temporarily closed
May 2020

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UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair Holders Institutional Responses to COVID-19 Preliminary results of a survey conducted in April 2020
Section of Higher Education, UNESCO
29 April 2020

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COVID-19: An overview of national coping strategies on high-stakes examinations and assessments
Unesco Education Sector
11 April 2020

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COVID-19: Initial Guidance for Higher Education Providers on Standards and Quality
© The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2020

01 April 2020
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How Will Students Take AP Tests During the Pandemic? At Home, With an Open Book
By Rebecca Koenig

03 April 2020
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ESG 2015–2018
ENQA Agency Reports
Thematic Analysis (EC)
Carmen Tomas and Maria Kelo
23 March 2020
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European Commission (EC)
Eurydice Voice
Spring Edition, 20 March, (2020)
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CHEA Accreditation Toolkit
Council for Higher Education Accrediatation
January 23, (2020)
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Higher Education and Lifelong Learning

Higher Education Policy Network

ACADEMIA - NO 18 (2020)
View Publication
4th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: leave no one behind: participation, equity and inclusion
Unesco Education Sector - Monthly Digest

December 2019

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 Increasing Transparency of Quality Assurance Enhancing Trust and Confidence in Higher Education

November 2019
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European News (European Office Cyprus)
Issue 147

October 2019
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European University Association (EUA)
Student-centred learning: approaches to quality assurance

By Anna Gover, Tia Loukkola, Helene Peterbauer

September 2019
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European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
Considerations for Quality Assurance of E-Learning provision

By Esther Huertas, Ivan Biscan, Charlotte Ejsing, Lindsey kerber, Liza Kozlowska, Sandra Marcos Ortega, Liia LaurI, Monika Risse, Kerstin Schörg, Georg Seppmann
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European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
Self-assessment report for ENQA Agency Reviews 2019

By Goran Dakovic & Maria Kelo
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European Commission (EC)
Eurydice 2019 - Focus On: Digital learning environments – the best way forward?

By Jari Matti Riihelainen & David Crosier
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European Commission (EC)
Eurydice 2019 - How can schools support the development of our democracies?

By Lars Bo Jakobsen & David Crosier
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European Commission (EC)
Eurydice 2019 - How can education contribute to awareness and action on climate change?
icon ie

By Jasmin Mäki & David Crosier
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European University Association (EUA) 
EUA Trends 2018 - Learning and Teaching in the European Higher Education Area

By Michael Gaebel & Thérèse Zhang
View Publication
Cooperation in Cross-Border Higher Education
A Toolkit for Quality Assurance Agencies
© European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education AISBL 2015, Brussels
European University Association (EUA)
New modes of delivery E-learning

By Michael Gaebel
European Students Union (ESU)
Bologna with Student Eyes 2018 - The Final Countdown

By Caroline Sundberg, Katrina Koppel, Helge Schwitters, Chiara Patricolo, Adam Gajek, Aleksandar Susnjar, Filip Prihoda, Gohar Hovhannisyan
European Association For Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA )
Considerations for Quality Assurance of E-Learning provision, 2018
By Esther Huertas, Ivan Biscan, Charlotte Ejsing, Lindsey kerber, Liza Kozlowska, Sandra Marcos Ortega, Liia LaurI, Monika Risse, Kerstin Schörg, Georg Seppmann
Cooperative and Work Integrated Education
Different modes of delivery
Dual Education Programmes, 2016

By Johannes Haas
European Commission (EC)
Dropout and Completion in Higher Education in Europe

Main Report, 2015
Education and Culture
European Union (EU)
ECTS Users' Guide 2015

European Union
European Higher Education (EHEA)
European Approach Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, October 2014

Approved by EHEA ministers in May 2015
Enhancing Quality through Innovative
Policy & Practice in European Higher Education (EQUIP)
FAIR project Recognition ESG 1-4

By EQUIP Workshop, 15-3-2016, VU, Amsterdam
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA )
How will external QA change as a result of the adoption of ESG 2015?

By Dr. Padraig Walsh
European Quality Assurance & Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
How will external QA change as a result of the ESG 2015?

EQUIP Webinar by Colin Tück

Thomas & More
Institutions Responsibility & Supporting Teaching Staff

EQUIP Webinar by Isabel Deprez
European Quality Assurance & Register for Higher Education
Use and Interpretation of the ESG
for the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies

Register Commitee: November 2017-11-21
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

Quality Procedures in the EHEA and beyond - Internationalisation of Quality Assurance Agencies

By Josep Grifoll, Achim Hopbach, Anthony Mcclaran, Paula Ranne, Teresa Sánchez Chaparro, Aurelija Valeikiene

European Students' Union (ESU )
New tools for new realities: Intro to the revised European Standards and Guidelines (ESGs) for Quality Assurance

By Fernando M Galán Palomares (ESU Chairperson)
EQUIP Workshop Amsterdam, 14 March 2016
Harmonizing Approaches to Professional Higher Education in Europe (HAPHE )
Professional Higher Education in Europe
Characteristics, Practice Examples and National Differences

By Anthony F. Camilleri, Stefan Delplace, Marek Frankowicz, Raimund Hudak, Anne Christin Tannhäuser
Education Ιnternational
Student Centred Learning from the teachers perspective

By Jens Vraa-Jensen
EQUIP seminar June 7th 2016
Education & International
European & Students' Union (ESU)

Student-Centered Learning Toolkit
By Michael Gaebel
Education International Europe (ETUCE) 
The role of teachers in QA

By Jens Vraa-Jensen
Education and Training
The Structure of the European Education Systems 2018/19 Eurydice – Facts and Figures

European University Association
University Quality Indicators:   
A Critical Assessment

By Bernd Wächter (ACA), Maria Kelo (ENQA), Queenie K.H. Lam (ACA), Philipp Effertz (DAAD), Christoph Jost (DAAD), Stefanie Kottowski (DAAD)